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The Children's Department

This is a department in the church comprised of children aged 3-12 years old. It was established when the church was founded in 2001 by Pastor (Mrs) Fadeke Rotimi. This department has overseen the development of several generations of children, the oldest serving in the Lord's house as workers and volunteers in the children's annual VBS event.

Children are a blessing from the Lord, and with this blessing also comes responsibility. As stewards of God's children, parents are responsible for helping children grow physically, intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually. At the King of Kings Tabernacle, we have a responsibility toward children too. ​​

Our mission is to raise Godly children in the environment of the word of God.

Our Mission

Please Note: The event below (VBS 2025) has not commenced yet. It is due to commence in July/August 2025 and registration forms will be accepted for review prior to this date. Please refrain from filling out forms currently, as any submitted will not be reviewed as of now.

Children Praying

Free Online Child Registration/Information Form

VBS 2025 Theme TBD

All children who register online to take part in the VBS in King of Kings Tabernacle Redeemed Church MUST be registered with us.

For safeguarding reasons, a parent with parental consent must fill in sign and send the form back before the programme.

The price for the programme is TBD. Please add the name of the child you are paying for in the reference.

Church Bank Details:

Account Name: RCCG KKT

Bank Name: Natwest

Account Number: 86893114

Sort Code: 56-00-47

Reference Example: VBS Registration for Elle Smith.

Child's Date of Birth

Please be aware that we have updated our Data Protection policy to comply with the GDPR. For more information you can visit here.


Will the child you are registering be taking part in person (at KKT church) OR online (via zoom)?

Participation Options
In Person

Photography Consent

 I consent / I Don't consent to Photographs of my child being taken and I agree that photographs or videos that include my child may be taken and displayed within the setting. I understand that they may be used for the church publicity purposes.

Consent Options
I consent
I do NOT consent

Parental Consent

I consent / I Don't consent to my child taking part in routine activities online.

Consent Options
I consent
I do NOT consent

Parent’s Authorisation Form

Dear Parents,

This is to inform you that by the grace of God, the King of Kings Tabernacle Vacation Bible School (VBS) will be visiting: TBA

 This will take place betweendates TBA during our VBS session.

On one of these five days your child/ren will be scheduled to go: TBA    Please ensure your child/ren is/are suitably dressed for outdoor activities 

For your child/ren to participate please complete and sign the slip below by date TBA

Thank you for your support.

God bless

Yours in His Service 

Pastor (Mrs) Fadeke Rotimi                                                               

Executive Parish Pastor

Please sign and return the slip below to give your child permission to attend the trip as well as for permission for your child/ren’s photographs to be taken during this VBS.

I give/ I do not give permission to attend the VBS trip to . I am aware that my child will be riding on the Church bus/designated cars for this trip.

Consent Option
I give permission
I do NOT give permission
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